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The renewal of teaching concept has dealt with the scale and quality better

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-15 Popularity:2458次

Figures in history

He was born in tianjin on February 26, 1948 and originally came from ningjin county, hebei province. Graduated from tianjin college of traditional Chinese medicine in 1982 with a master's degree in medicine.

Representative works

For many years to undertake a national ">" to "15" major research projects such as more than 40 items, successively served as the national key basic research program (973) two project studies of key scientific problems of prescriptions, chief scientist at the study of prescription compatibility of the law, ministry of science and technology major projects "innovation medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) modernization" total members. Participated in the top-level design of TCM modernization, presided over and participated in the drafting of the national strategy for the development of science and technology of TCM modernization and the outline for the development of TCM modernization.

The main achievements

Take on more than 40 provincial-level research projects over the years, won a national science and technology reward 6 items, a provincial science and technology progress, second prize more than 20, more than 20 authorized patents, published over 200 papers, over 10 monograph editor. Cultivate the outbound postdoctoral, bo, master graduate student 160, graduation thesis guidance of three doctoral dissertation won the national best honor outstanding doctoral dissertation, 1 article won the national best honor outstanding doctoral dissertation nomination.

Personal glory

Professor zhang boli has been engaged in the clinical, education and scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 40 years. It has rich experience in the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease, stroke, dementia and other major diseases with remarkable clinical efficacy and is deeply loved by patients. Presided over the systematic research on vascular dementia (VD), and formulated the classification standard of vascular dementia syndromes for the first time and the three-stage treatment plan according to the platform, fluctuation and decline; The pharmacological method of cerebrospinal fluid was established, which revealed the mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicine on nerve cell protection and won the second prize of national science and technology progress. Using large sample clinical epidemiological method, first clear the stroke syndromes and dynamic evolution law aura syndrome, commonly used in the acute phase of stroke treatment comparison research, established a comprehensive treatment plan, improve the clinical curative effect, and was applied. Conducted the first traditional Chinese medicine to evidence-based myocardial infarction secondary prevention study, a series of evidence-based evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine method is established and the key technology, laid a methodological basis for objective evaluation of curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine, promote the overall improvement of quality of traditional Chinese medicine clinical research, play an exemplary role in the industry, won the national scientific and technological progress second prize.

Professor zhang bl actively promoting the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine research, to participate in the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine the top-level design, participate in drafting the development strategy for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine science and technology ", "traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) modernization development outline, national major drug discovery program and other documents. He has undertaken three national key basic research projects (973) and conducted research on the compatibility law of prescription drugs. He is the chief scientist. The study using multidisciplinary methods and techniques, from multiple levels reveals herbal law and its scientific connotation, form and perfect the theory of compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine composition foundation, established the component compatibility optimization design and evaluation method, set up effective components extraction and separation and screening technology platform, created the components to create new ways of modern traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has developed five components of traditional Chinese medicine. Three times in a row, the 973 program has received rolling funding, and only a handful of projects across the country have received this award.

Put forward the excellent traditional secondary development concept, has set up a platform technology, developed a series of proprietary Chinese medicine secondary development key technologies, presided over the transformation proprietary Chinese medicine more than 30, the new annual output value of 3 billion yuan, improved the proprietary Chinese medicine scientific and technological content, play an exemplary role in the whole country. He presided over the establishment of transformation medical institutions such as the cooperative organization for the production, study and research of traditional Chinese medicine injection and the modern alliance for the production, study and research of traditional Chinese medicine injection, and achieved outstanding social and economic benefits.

It has opened up a new field of TCM engineering research. The first institute of Chinese medicine engineering was established in China, and the research on the objectification of tongue diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine was carried out.

In the prevention and control of SARS, tianjin traditional Chinese medicine treatment of SARS, commander in chief, a Chinese medical team, open up the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine ward, application of Chinese medicine in the control condition worsens, the improvement of symptoms, stable blood oxygen saturation, hormone stops play an important role, summed up by the SARS disease characteristics and syndrome characteristics, pathogenesis and treatment, by the WHO issued the SARS TCM treatments included, won the national scientific and technological progress second prize.

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