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Action plan for promoting Chinese medicine health culture in 2018

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-15 Popularity:2443次

In accordance with the Chinese medicine line, China - Chinese medicine health culture to promote action plan (2016-2020) for the deployment, for to do a good job of cultural construction of Chinese medicine in 2018, the creative transformation of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation culture, innovative development, popularization of healthy way of life, guiding the people with Chinese characteristics of healthy living habit, will now "Chinese medicine line, China - Chinese medicine health culture to promote action activity plan in 2018 printed and distributed to you, please all relevant units shall, in accordance with the plan deployment around the practical implementation, Please report the activity to the organizing committee office of the China branch of traditional Chinese medicine before December 15. The office of the organizing committee of the China branch of traditional Chinese medicine will evaluate and inspect the development of activities in various places.

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