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Three Yin and three Yang syndrome differentiation and physical disease differentiation \"the trinity\" clinical thinking

Author:赵进喜 Date:2018-06-06 Popularity:2088次

One, three Yin three Yin system theory

Three Yin and three Yang, commonly known as "philosophical", including the sun, Yang Ming, shaoyang, lunar, shaoyin, jue Yin, treatise on febrile disease disease with the points, and by organizing, so three Yin and three Yang "treatise on febrile diseases", which the essence of the problem, the so-called "philosophical" substantive issues, must be clear. In fact, the ancient and modern medical experts on the substantive issues of the six classics, benevolence and wisdom, the most controversial. Integrated ancient and modern doctor's point of view, including the meridian, viscera, philosophical form layer said, six area on the ground, stage, eight principles, gasification, syndrome, system, comprehensive said, current textbooks basic tend to comprehensive treatise on febrile disease, said that three Yin and three Yang, namely images, is three Yin and three Yang meridians, complex, and its gasification function of the viscera is typhoid disease different pathological stages. The dialectical method of three Yin and three Yang is not only the program of dialectic, but also the rule of treatment. It is mainly applicable to rheumatoid fever [1]. But there are also many physicians, especially "the party" doctor think: three Yin and three Yang, the applicable scope of the dialectical method including various exogenous febrile, not limited to cold exogenous, "six-channel bells all ills," think of six-channel can both inside and outside are include a variety of diseases. So, what is the essence of the three Yin and three Yang? To get the right answer, we need to explore it based on the origin and basic thinking characteristics of Chinese medicine.

What is Chinese medicine? Traditional Chinese medicine is the Chinese nation ancestors shirakawa, based on the concept of "heaven corresponding" overall, to chuai in "outside" like thinking as the basic way of thinking, using natural drugs or natural means, disease of prevention and control of individual knowledge system for the human body. It has both scientific connotation and cultural characteristic. It is not only an important part of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, but also an important carrier of Chinese traditional culture. This is why comrade xi jinping has called it the "key to the treasure house of Chinese civilization". And the origin of TCM, the main is our ancestors in the process of fighting against the disease in long-term experience and observation, also is the result of the original human anatomy, and also by the impact of the Chinese traditional philosophy. As is known to all, the formation of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period to the han dynasty. Limited to the conditions at that time, the traditional Chinese medicine understanding of human physiological functions, only by external performance to analyze the internal disease pathogenesis, is based on "shall have all inside, conditions of" train of thought, take "chuai in" macroscopic observation method to know the body and disease. At the same time, Chinese traditional philosophy, especially the theory of Yin and Yang and the five elements, has played a very important role in the formation of the theoretical system of TCM. Among them, under the influence of the five elements theory, the ancient people summarized the physiological functions of the human body, and thus formed the theory of viscera, which divided the physiological functions of the human body into five major systems of liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidney. And derived from this zang-fu syndrome differentiation method. And the theory of Yin and Yang, in addition to the zhouyi "tai chi gave birth to two meter and two meter four elephants, four elephants living gossip" of the "dichotomy", the daodejing and the "the tao gave birth to a second life, two gave birth to three, everything in" the philosophy of "rule of thirds". Based on this philosophy, the ancient people concluded the six systems of three Yin and three Yang for the physiological function of human body. Hence, there is the method of syndrome differentiation between three Yin and three Yang. So we speak three Yin three Yang is divided according to how much the Yin and Yang, the ancients in the so-called "life two, two gave birth to three, everything" under the guidance of philosophy, to the human body physiological function of different hidden as another level of "five points". That is to say, three Yin three Yang is human body six physiological systems. Like the five systems of the five organs, the three Yin and three Yang systems have different functions, but they are related to each other. Under the pathological conditions, the three Yin three Yang six system, each has its own pathological manifestations. Under certain conditions, the lesions of the three Yin, three Yang and six systems can be transformed into each other. This three-yin, three-yang and six-yang system has relations and differences with the five viscera system, which cannot be regarded as the same or replaced by this system. Modern physicians influenced by modern medicine anatomical physiology pathology, paid attention to by comparison and differentiation of viscera function, physiological function and ignore three Yin and three Yang six system with three Yin and three Yang syndrome differentiation method, has the serious influence to the originality of TCM clinical thinking. This must be given due attention.

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