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Chinese medicine

Jibai Xiong

Author:SZL Date:2018-06-25 Popularity:2314次

Figures in history

Jibai  Xiong(1942 -), male, hunan Chang Deren, national name of traditional Chinese medicine, hunan university of Chinese medicine professor, postgraduate tutor, tutor of doctor of guangzhou university of Chinese medicine, Hong Kong Baptist university professor emeritus, university of Chinese medicine the first affiliated hospital of hunan distinguished TCM academic adviser.

Representative works

For many years to undertake a national ">" to "15" major research projects such as more than 40 items, successively served as the national key basic research program (973) two project studies of key scientific problems of prescriptions, chief scientist at the study of prescription compatibility of the law, ministry of science and technology "innovative drugs and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) modernization"

Member of the general group of experts on major projects. Participated in the top-level design of TCM modernization, presided over and participated in the drafting of the national strategy for the development of science and technology of TCM modernization and the outline for the development of TCM modernization.

In addition to clinical practice and teaching, xiong has worked hard and published more than 100 academic papers and 17 works. He is the author of the book the essence of the theory of internal economics, which has been listed as the library of congress, British museum and Oxford University library. The deputy chief editor of the book "huangdi ni.

Studies dacheng, for our country all previous dynasties study since the huangdi neijing, the largest, most complete, most systems of reference books, in 1999 won the first prize in the national press and publication administration science and technology books, and the state administration of TCM scientific and technological progress second prize.

Personal glory

On June 29, 2017, human resources and social security ministry, the national health and family planning commission and state administration of traditional Chinese medicine Xiong Jibai "national physician master" title of honor, enjoy treatment of provincial advanced workers and model workers.Xiong

Next:Guang-rong sun

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