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Neijing and clinical practice -- zhai shuangqing

Author:SZL Date:2018-06-26 Popularity:2304次

Medical books huangdi neijing is a comprehensive, established the TCM in huang Lao Taoist theory of "Yin and Yang five elements theory", "theory of pulse condition", "" zangxiang doctrine," meridian theory ", "cause theory" "pathogenesis theory", "disease" and "it", "differentiation" and "health", "luck", such as theory, from the overall view of medicine, present the natural, biological, psychological, social, the overall medical model "(the other according to textual research, modern scholars think the situation in the today this Taoist marks of sui and tang dynasties Taoist wang bing into [1-2]). Its basic materials come from the ancient Chinese people's long-term observation of life phenomena, a large number of clinical practices and simple anatomical knowledge.

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