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Thoughts and Suggestions on the existing problems of traditional Chinese medicine

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-15 Popularity:2442次

Chinese medicine is a great treasure house, the essence and treasure of national culture. For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has made outstanding contributions to the prevention and health care of people in China and the world with its unique theoretical system of disease prevention and treatment. Due to various reasons, especially the rapid development of western medicine and the "lack of successor skills" of TCM talents, the position of TCM shrinks, and the clinical application rate of TCM drops seriously. Some colleges and universities of TCM college students, had learned in school is not deep in Chinese medicine theory knowledge, after the graduation and don't want to work in the traditional Chinese medicine, clinical moving west, a few years later the Chinese medicine theory basically you forget about, let alone use the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine;

From in order to highlight the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine (or illnesses because of the brand) and some traditional Chinese medicine, especially for hospitalized patients on traditional Chinese medicine, hospital medical records is basically transcribing books standard card type, one party to the end, there is no change to add and subtract, the hospital how long this how long it will take Chinese medical professionals can tell at a glance this is superficial, cut, rather than the real application of the theory of TCM dialectical treats. This phenomenon is not the case in any hospital, it is almost universal. Shanghai university of TCM in quantico adjustable professor yuan even a language: "the so-called being confronted with a successor, there is no lack of copy of the book, is spent by four eight principles of evidence-based medicine to cure patents", along the way, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in name only. China's traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a long history and profound, after thousands of years of constantly enrich and perfect, formed a unique theoretical system and practical diagnosis and treatment system, in terms of prevention, care, treatment, rehabilitation with valuable experience and unique advantages.

With the gradual establishment and improvement of the modern medical service system, as well as the establishment and improvement of relevant medical laws and regulations; Made in the field of modern medical service system in the service of traditional Chinese medicine and service mode and the related medical laws and regulations in some extent produced does not match or conflict, to better service advantage of traditional Chinese medicine formed the limit, the people health to some extent has become the bottleneck of restricting its development. Secondly, there are some problems in the Chinese medicine industry and the Chinese medicine medical staff. It also leads to the shrinking of the position of TCM, the narrowing of the service field and the narrow service channels. This paper enumerates the conflicts and contradictions in the specific TCM medical activities. Combined with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, on how to coordinate the features, advantages and problems such as laws and regulations, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, better consolidate and expand the traditional Chinese medicine in modern medical service system should be to discuss the status and category.

Prev:The shrinking position of TCM and the narrowing of the service sector are worrying

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