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The shrinking position of TCM and the narrowing of the service sector are worrying

Author:SZL Date:2018-05-15 Popularity:2407次

With the gradual improvement of the national education system of traditional Chinese medicine, TCM personnel have made rapid progress in number, and have broken through millions of troops. However, the position of TCM is gradually shrinking. It is indisputable that the service field of TCM is narrowing down and the number of practitioners who actually use TCM is decreasing. The increase of statistics and the decrease of actual Numbers coexist. The relative increase in quantity coexists with the overall decline in quality. The problem may seem contradictory, but this is the reality of TCM. Specific performance in the following aspects:

1.1.1 westernization of TCM hospitals and western medicine of TCM personnel

From the founding of the early into the 80 s, basically realized in our country, from directly under the ministry of health (and its affiliated hospital of China academy of traditional Chinese medicine) to the provincial, city and county, basically have (d) (or nation), part of the province, city and is specialized in traditional Chinese medicine research institute, or research; The province (including the municipality directly under the central government) has a college of traditional Chinese medicine or a university of traditional Chinese medicine. It is of great significance to inherit and develop the cause of traditional Chinese medicine. However, in the spring tide of market economy or other subjective and objective factors, under the influence of traditional Chinese medicine hospital in particular the hospital does not have its characteristics, is faced with the problem of food and clothing, to westernization, and Seattle grace mercy west hospital or general hospital for patients, grab benefits at the same level, some got a success, in turn, alleviate the pressure, others about the head. Because the training period of TCM talents is long and the short-term benefits are not obvious, a large number of TCM personnel change their ways. Secondly, Chinese medicine is difficult to learn. It requires learners to have a comprehensive range of knowledge, including literature, history and philosophy. Without the rapid, visual and intuitive arrival of western medicine, many people retreat from difficulties and find it daunting. Many TCM college students after graduation to western medicine, many doctors, including many with senior professional and technical services of traditional Chinese medicine professional titles, are mainly engaged in technical service of western medicine diagnosis and treatment, the emergence of this phenomenon is not accidental, investigate its reason, one is the impact of the spring tide of market economy, followed by Chinese medicine practitioners own quality is not high, the business level is low, lack of confidence; The talent problem of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a major factor that disturbs the development of TCM.

1.1.2 there are contradictions between features and advantages in specific practical activities

For the characteristic and advantage of this is a hot topic, characteristic is not equal to advantage, only in the characteristics of a good play to pass on to their advantage, characteristic is the rather than a necessary and sufficient condition of the advantage; The display of advantages requires better or full play of features; In specific medical treatment activity because of certain policies, the characteristics of TCM under certain conditions can't into full play, on the other said, in some cases, the objective conditions do not allow or not conducive to play and display of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics. This results in conflicts between laws and regulations at the macro level and the subjective consciousness and ideology of policy makers or policy makers. In some cases, such contradictions are irreconcilable and inevitable. In this way, it is a realistic proposition for the work of traditional Chinese medicine. And need to solve in time, appropriate fast not slow, appropriate speed not late.

1.2 existing medical laws and regulations are not conducive to the development of traditional Chinese medicine

Along with our country judicial, gradually establish and improve the health legal system, especially after the accession to the WTO, our country medical service industry system of laws and regulations are perfected and with international medical and health care system. As a modern medical service system related to the establishment of laws and regulations, mainly in accordance with modern medicine (western medicine), for reference standards; Although, Chinese medicine also has its own disease certificate standard, but very imperfect, very incomplete. So, to a certain extent, and the traditional Chinese medicine formed the inevitable conflicts in some areas, for traditional Chinese medicine in modern medical service system, according to its own characteristics and advantages, better service for the majority of people's health to form limited to a certain extent, become the bottleneck of restricting the development of the; For example:

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